Exploring Sensitivity
Have you ever been told you’re too sensitive with the insinuation that it’s a bad quality to have? sensitivity is actually a superpower and only about 15 to 20 percent of the population are highly sensitive. It can feel like something is wrong when you feel things more deeply than most people around you, or you notice small details and feel overwhelmed by noise more easily.
“My sensitivity is my superpower”
Wonder Woman power pose
Being highly sensitive to things can vary dramatically, and overstimulation can trigger that feeling of overwhelm. A crash sensation can rear its ugly head after exposure to too many stimuli. It’s like a comedown but minus the hardcore drink and drugs. Not everyone who is highly sensitive is aware that they are this way. They don’t know it is even a ‘thing’. But understanding what it means and how it can affect our life can be life-changing; imagine truly embracing who and how you are and being comfortable with it…100% at peace.
Having empathy and a sensitivity to what people want or need is something special. It is a highly endearing quality.
What does highly sensitive look like?
Well, this was me as a kid after finding a dead bird that had fallen out of its nest. That’s not my real hair by the way and I wore that plastic green hat to hold in the braided hair-pieces.
Anyway, as I was saying…. most things moved me very deeply. My parents even stopped me watching certain cartoons and series that upset me too much.
But can an extrovert be highly sensitive?
The myth is that over-sensitivity relates to introverts, but that’s not always true. I would consider myself an extrovert, so previously I could never entertain the idea of being highly sensitive. Was that even possible? But yes, it is, and yes, I am. A challenging combo, I must add. But whatever kind of over-sensitivity you or I have, it is about focusing on acceptance. Not trying to change ourselves but building a life that is right for us. How about starting a journey to discover where you fit – in your own place and in your own way – one that ends with acceptance.
Remember that your sensitivity is your superpower.
If you would like to listen to the full episode of ‘Exploring Sensitivity’ where I speak to my guest Jenn Hume about her experience of being an introvert and a highly-sensitive individual who carved a career to suit her personality, visit the podcast page in the menu or just click Exploring sensitivity episode to listen on apple.