Do you have a successful and demanding job but feel isolated socially?

Perhaps you are away from home, your own culture or maybe there is just little time left for fun and meeting up with others.

So many professionals feel this way and that is why I have created group sessions along with psychotherapist Karlina Jordan, to explore ways to help you manage: people pleasing, imposter syndrome, and that inner critic which blocks you from enjoying the present moment.

With the guidance of myself, a confidence coach and a psychotherapist, you will share and connect with others, through fun and interactive exercises like dance, role-play, writing and art.

We will be a small group meeting on Sundays during April and May. Sessions are held in the beautiful studio space of the Floatwell Wellbeing Centre, which is only a few minutes walk from Cambridge station.

Book now to secure your spot as spaces are limited.

  • Confident YOU

    Eight Personalized 1:1 online sessions.

    If you are successful in your career but perhaps feel that the need to be perfect and please others has stopped you from being your authentic self, then you will benefit from the support and clarity of these private 1 hr sessions that will be bespoke to suit your needs.

    Say goodbye to self- doubt and allow yourself to feel the excitement of taking that first step to truly expressing yourself.

  • Confidence Masterclass

    The secrets to living a more fulfilled and confident life

    Unlock your full potential and Improve your relationships.

    Are you holding yourself back or pushing yourself too hard ? How Is that affecting your relationships?

    2 hour interactive masterclass on zoom


"What attracted me to have coaching with Rania initially, was the fact that she is an artist I admire, and a true example of an empowered woman with a vibrant and multicultural background. Rania's patience, empathy and humor offered me a deeper understanding of both my abilities and my obstacles. I now feel confident and excited about exploring positive new experiences, connections and future artistic projects.”

رانيا الكردي مرأة قوية و فنانة جميلة و ملهمة بتعلم القوة

— Bayan Shbib, Palestine

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